Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Stress Level Is Up

it's that time of year again. classes are starting to come to an end and that means projects and test like you wouldn't believe. i've been a little stressed with all of these not so happy things. but i'm trying my hardest to make everything work.

what has abby been up to???

helping one of her buddies celebrate his birthday

campfire down at the bottoms with some of her cru friends

she was in the fashion with out fabric show....first on stage baby

taking some sr. pic's for a good friend

and she was with her whole family when her uncle got inducted to the mn wrestling hall of fame might say i like pictures....go figure

Monday, April 16, 2007

Blaim the uncle

so lately i've found myself giving jill a new nickname. KID.

i never use to call anyone by it and i really wasn't a fan of people calling me by it either. then someone started calling me kid. good old uncle tim. i remember him telling me awhile ago how he calls his sister kid. and now i call mine kid. go figure. i didn't even realize that i was doing it at first. then jill said something. so i tried to figure out where i might have gotten it from... and i came up with uncle tim. thanks

anyways jill played softball in hopkins on friday...hit a tripple.... she get's it from

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I've noticed myself bottling up a lot of emotions i knew it would only be time before thing caught back up with me.

for the past few weeks i've been working on this wood project in my 3d design class. our teacher really didn't give us any guidelines just told us to make something. so i was getting really frusterated with this project to begin with. i had finally gotten an idea on what i was going to do...and go figure the teacher hated it, told me to go a totally different way with it. i basically went and threw my stuff on a table and got out of the room before i lost it. now normally things like this don't bother me at all...but i had to much built up.

another thing to know about me when things are really bothering me i go from ferusterated straight to pissed off then i come back to being mad and then i just drop it. right now i'm still kinda in the mad stage. and for those who really know me, they know i don't get mad to often...i normally have a big smile on my face. right now i just want to punch someone's face in. o well i'll wait till i get home and take it out on my punching bag.

thanks for reading and stay tuned in for abby's next blog, come soon

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Twins Opener Baby!

so i was very lucky this year. some of my brothers friends had asked me in november if i wanted to go the opener, but i knew i wouldn't have the money for the ticket so i said no. i was sad. then my best friend martha asked me if i wanted to go with her. her sister ( which is one of my brother's friends) had gotten 2 exstra tickets, one for martha and anyone who she wanted to bring. o and yesterday was her birthday....that's why the tickets were given to her. so martha asked me to go. to say the least i was very happy. i loved it. maybe even a little more than martha did.

highlights of the opener-
-me and adam running around trying to find where the creditcard sign up was so we could get our free blankets
-back to back homers
-getting to see people that i haven't seen since em's wedding
-sitting on top of the parking ramp waiting for trafic to pick up
-meeting the drunk boys and laughing at them
-not having my car towed

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

time goes by yesterday i noticed the lack there of with my all who seem to read this...aaron and janet.... i'm sorry.
ya so i really don't have a whole lot to talk about. nothing big has happened in my life.

last saturday i went to the TEC lock in with my sister...where sarah classified my as a chaperione. which made my night. that and the fact that me and kyle power walked around the church for 6 that's getting some exercise.

my hair is red again. nothing major.

still don't know what i'm doing this summer. but i am going to talk to my old boss on saturday. so we'll see what i come up with.

jill played softball on sat. i went and watched....check out the pic.

other than that...i'll try and keep you on the up and up in the life of abby

Sunday, March 11, 2007

2 days and nuts
i was really looking forward to having break...i needed some time off. the one thing i wasn't looking forward to was my parents hounding me about what i'm doing this summer. so it's been 2 days and they are at it. i'm going to lose it. that's one of the reasons why i'm having a hard time trying to figure out what i want to do this summer.

for those that want to know...i've got some options.
-come home and work with porta-potties again and stay at home
-stay up at my apartment and find a job or 2 up at menomonie

either way i still have to pay for the apartment.

or i could try and do something different

any words from the peanut gallery for me?

Monday, March 05, 2007

State has come and gone yet again

it was that time of year again....state wrestling. i'm a huge fan of wrestling. i sue to wrestle back in the day, never miss a match when i was in high school. i was my brother's biggest fan, when he wrestled in high school. i've been going to every day of the state wrestling tourny since the 6th grade and at least one day every year before that.
this year i had a lot to do. i was taking pictures for 2 different websites and uploading them. i took over 500 pictures. i was always on the run. now they tell my i'm going to have my numbers doubled for next year. they must think i'm superman or something. o well...i'm happy it's over and at the same time i wish it wasn't.

now i just have next year's tourny to look forward to.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Food is once again my friend

for any of you that read my last blog, you know this past weekend we had the tec church service. well for the past week i haven't been able to eat a full meal. not because i'm trying to stick to a diet or anything. i was so nervous about the church service that my stomach wouldn't let me. you can ask anyone that was around me this past week and weekend. it was really bad on saturday and sunday morning. everyone kept telling me that god will have everything go the way he wants it. well my stomach didn't listen.

on saturday we had 13 exstra bodies stay at our house. they started rolling in around 5. at 7 we went to the church to try and let the guys practice....turns out that didn't go as well as i was hoping for. we had no i had to track some after being on the phone and making many calls for 2 hours...we finally got things rolling...after sending almost everyone back to the house. ben, brandon, knate, and me stayed back at the church until around 10:30. just to get back to a house that is full of high schoolers and janet. thank goodness janet was there...someone else who felt a little bit on the older side of things. we finally got everyone laying down around 1:30....but thanks to jill me and janet and jill were still up until 4:30. that's right 2 hours of sleep for me.

i was the first one up come sunday morning. lucky me, i was the first one in the shower too. we got everyone up and moving. a few of us headed for the church around 8. started getting things moving. we sang, we prayed, we had a lot of fun. if you want to see should have seen it when the whole church was up on their feet sing along at the end of the service. you can ask anyone that was up front...i thought i was going to start crying, it was so moving.

for anyone who was there, thank you! for those that were praying for it, thank you! for those of you that got phone calls from the band, that's what you get for not coming (uncle tim).

and come last night my stomach decided it wanted to eat again. it was great!

Monday, February 12, 2007

All With Me

So i've noticed over the past few weeks in a lot of my classes we keep talking about the bible. mostly in my art history class. and i don't know about you but growing up in a public school it seems odd to me to be talking about the bible in a classroom setting. right now we are talking about the sestine ceiling... it takes many different sences from the bible. i'm just having a hard time with all of this. everytime i've talked about the bible i've always been in a different enviorment. and the fact that we are looking at all these old paintings or sences from the just doesn't seem right. i've always had things set in my mind of what things look like....maybe it's just me. and maybe it's cause i really don't like this class, that could be a good part too.

last couple of weeks have been good. as far as things go with the family...i think they are better. last weekend i stayed home on sunday and me and jill sat down and talked to mom and dad about the whole tec thing. i'm thinking mom heard what we had to far as dad goes...not so much. but that's ok...all will work out the way it's suppost to.

this past weekend i went home to make sure that i've got everything set up for the worship service. i'm really nervous about it. i'm really looking forward to it...but i don't think the nervs will go away until it's all over with. for those of you that are coming....thank you, thank you, thank you. for those of you that arn't, or decided to bail on us (...uncle tim), keep it in your prayers. or keep my nervs in your prayers.

i guess last night i must have had a good roommate told me that i kept smiling in my sleep. and i tend to roll around a lot at night...last night i just stayed still. i really wish i could remember what i was dreaming you remember?

i'm really not looking forward to wed. stupid valentine's day! i don't have a it will be just like every other year. who knows maybe my luck will change before now and then.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

fighting family battles

it started my sr. year in high school. i decided in january that i wanted to work the summer tec (which was the last one i could work) instead of playing in my last summer state softball tourny. they didn't take it tell ya the truth....they were pissed.

tonight i call know doing that big sister thing...seeing how she's holding up since the tec weekend. and the answer was not good. (if your reading this say a little prayer for her....or heck give her a call) the biggest stresser that she told me about was mom and dad. last night dad had yelled at her for talking to some of her tec friends on the phone. she had a crappy day and really needed to talk to them. which in my eyes is understandable....unlike my dad. he yelled at her and when she tried to explain he didn't listen. then i guess mom told her that if there was any softball conflicks the same weekend as tec she couldn't work the next one. the second she told me this i knew i had to make a phone call to the folks. my heart was broke for her. i called my house. dad answered, and i told him what was up. he didn't want to hear it. i got so mad at him for not listening to me i started to cry. i know how hard it was for me to tell them years before. and i knew jill wouldn't be able to do it on her own. it's like he didn't want to hear what i said.

how can we make them see how much tec means? we don't want to cry anymore tears. i just want them to see it from our side.

Monday, January 29, 2007

what a weekend

well where should i start. this weekend was jammed packed.

-had to work a track meet up at stout. i got there at 11 and worked til 4:15....made $40....not bad
-got straight in to my car just to drive down to rochester in hopes of making it in time for agape. (by the way...thank you uncle tim for the directions)
-on the drive...mind you i really don't do good with driving and trying to follow directions at the same time.....i got lost 3 times
-i got pulled over for speeding.....don't worry i just got a warning...someone was watching out for me.
-when i got pulled over i and i parked my car i looked up to see a sign that read.....Bauer Built.....i had to laugh
-almost hit 2 deer
-put my dress on while i was driving....that's talent
-made it to agape with about 5 min to spear
-sang to the canidates
-went to perkins
-went to walmart
-went to janets
-went bowling with baby Phinneas (wink wink)
-started freaking out cause jill hurt her knee
-went back to janets
-laughed til 3:30 in the morning

-woke up and checked for an email from cody
-got ready for the day
-me and kyree made our way to dunn brothers and back to janets without getting lost
-went to the church
-helped clean the wheat room
-helped set up the chaple
-sang my favorite worship song at closeing
-helped clean up
-went to perkins
-wore my "we look nothing alike" shirt with jill
-said goodnight and back up to stout

-don't worry i didn't get lost or pulled over or hit anything on the way back

Kick in the butt goes to: me for even getting pulled over in the first place

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

back at stout

i'm back at stout and not a min to soon. i'm pretty sure my dad was starting to drive me nuts back home...little did i know that he can still drive me nuts up here too.

break was a lot of fun....had some fun with the family

helped throw a party for dani

watched jill dance

took one of my friends sr pics

watched some wrestling

now i'm going again....

hope i see a bunch of you this weekend

date to keep open....feb 18th
ask me about it

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

one's down fall

tonight me and jill were invited to go to a worship service with a friend of jill's from high school. well her friends name is savanna....and she also invited rachel. through out the night i saw this girl break down and just give her self to the lord. she had told me that she needed this more than the night went on i saw why. first i saw her break down crying....then as she was trying to make sure her makeup still looked good i saw her cigarrets in her bag....and come the end of the night she got really warm and pushed up her sleeves, where i saw all the cuts on her arm. i'm just praying that god is got one of his best angels with her. i know jill was also going to see if she wanted to tec.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

will you give me a jump i was in owatonna ready for a great new years party/lock in. we decided that we would drive in the crappy weather when it was light out instead of when it was dark. well i guess it wasn't ment to be, when we got a phone call saying it was cancled. so i brought little sister and a good friend of ours i'd like to call her amy anderson down to mr. matt reiter's. (aka-my matt) weather was not gettting any better so cindy told us to stay and so did dean and you better believe it dani did too. so we stayed there since we no longer had any plans for the night. we ended up back in owatonna for a party at ann monsons. party was pretty good. didn't know a whole lot of people but it was all good...i still saw a few faces that i knew. then there was the snowball fight...and the run to walmart for some dry pants for the other girls... jill, amy, kyree. and who can forget matt walking around in the robe. well anyways when we left for matts again my car started being stupid. radio stopped working...heater stopped working....head lights started to go dim.....but we made it. in the morning dean had to charge my battery...well that got us about 7 miles outside of mankato. lucky for me a nice man gave us a jump and we made it back home safe. it was a great time. well all but the no blinkers. o car is fixed now...300 dollors later.

what a way to start off a new year.

new years res.-try and keep in touch with more if i start to slip up on this one you guys have to help me to me.