Monday, July 31, 2006

hot i'm really sick of all of this hot weather...i have to work someone trying to kill me?
ok enough about the weather...i could go on and on. but instead i heard this quote the other day and i wrote it down. "accept the things you can not change and change the things you can." i totally love it. when i heard this for the first time it hit home for me. i'm one that trys to hard somtimes at things i know i can't change but i still think there is a slight chance that something will change even if it won't.
i'm done for the day...the sun took it out of me, just thought i'd share what i found.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

boys= blue, girls= pink ever since i've had our cat in the house, it's been up stairs in the bathroom that in our house is the "girls" bathroom. (fyi-the cat has something wrong with it so it's in the bathtub) so for the past couple of showers i've had to use the boys bathroom downstairs. and i've noticed something. the boys bathroom walls look like it's a girls bathroom and the girls bathroom walls look like it's a boys bathroom. now i guess in our house this doesn't suprize me much...both me and my mom are a bit of a tomboy type. and well as for the guys in my house, they wouldn't be the ones on top of the manly men list. but it got me thinking. why is it that we get labled with colors. i mean it starts out this way from day one. boys get sent home in blue and girls get sent home in pink from the hospital...why? then it seems to go on in different ways all through our life. look at sports. boys have to play baseball and girls have to play softball. i guess i kinda broke out of the "norm" when i was young. i went and wrestled for 4 years. which by the way didn't sit will with grandma.

why is it that people have to have standerds for boys and different ones for girls, or the other way around?

Friday, July 28, 2006

the boss man

ok so i know we've all had problems with our bosses somewhere on down the line. well let me tell ya, my boss is really starting to get to me. my boss is one of those guys where if you don't have to work that day he doesn't call you and tell you to stay that would be way to easy. instead he waits till you get to work and waisted your gas money and then tells you to go home. it's like student here. i don't have the time or the money to be pushed around like this. and it's not that he's done it once, o no, it's been like 5 times now this summer. grrrr.

cat update---still not dead

Kick in The Butt of The Day goes to---my boss


Thursday, July 27, 2006

it's all on me family is gone...i'm the only one home. for most college students that means one! but dang me and my good heart. i just don't. or wait maybe it's because i don't have time to. then i get to come home and find my sister's cat looking like it's going to die. which for all of my reader's (which from the looks of it is no one) i've got it up stairs right now and it's not dead yet. now i'm the one that has to watch this cat all night long. i didn't get much sleep last night and i know if that cat is in the house tonight i'm not going to get much tonight either. grrrr. don't get me wrong i love the cat...but why me? o ya that's right that thing called responsability. i'm really sick of that word right now. and yet at the same time i love it.
my life as of this summer is made up of little things. work. softball. eat. sleep. and on that one night i have off, friends. am i crazy for being this busy at such a young age. or am i crazy for thinking i'm busy at such a young age. i mean just think when i have kids (which is a long way down the road) i'm going to have to make sure they can do there things before i can do mine. CRAZY!
o well bring on tomorrow...see what crazy things i come up with next.

Kick in the Butt of the day--- my cat!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Alone in the house of ABBY

first off a little vent session... this year my family decided to plan a family vacations for 3 out of the 5 memebers of my family, and they left on my birthday. in the words of steph tanner..."how rude" i just happen to be one of the 2 that get's to stay home and work. what fun! end of vent session...thank you for listening.
So sunday was my 20th birthday. and of course it wouldn't be a birthday unless i'd spent it with my TEC friends and family just like i did for my 18th and 19th. Some people always want the attention to be on them on their birthday, i however don't. it's not the fact that i'm getting older and want to hide it, no not at all. it's the fact that if i can go and help in the littlest way for kids to open there eyes to God, i will. At TEC we try and get canadites to start a relationship with God. So the focuse is on them. i don't know of any other way i would want to spend my birthday then haveing someone get closer to God. That is by far the closest birthday present anyone could give me.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

i'm back!

ok so i thought i'd start blogging again...i took the year off, but i'm back! i just read my last have things changed in my life. High School seems like it was years ago and i'm only a year out. i'm starting to get a real look at the "working" world...and i'm not really all that happy about it. well all but the money part...that will help pay for a few classes. this was my first real year away from home. it was a pain at first but i fixed things and it ran a lot more smoother. this was my first summer not playing fastpitch...instead i got to coach it. let me tell can learn a lot of stuff from a bunch of 15 and 16 year old girls.
i can tell i'm in a different state of mind than i was in high school. somethings don't seem to matter as much as other any more. i just turned 20, i can't use "i'm a kid...leave me along." i know i still have a lot more to come and a lot more to learn...i say bring it on.