Wednesday, March 28, 2007

time goes by yesterday i noticed the lack there of with my all who seem to read this...aaron and janet.... i'm sorry.
ya so i really don't have a whole lot to talk about. nothing big has happened in my life.

last saturday i went to the TEC lock in with my sister...where sarah classified my as a chaperione. which made my night. that and the fact that me and kyle power walked around the church for 6 that's getting some exercise.

my hair is red again. nothing major.

still don't know what i'm doing this summer. but i am going to talk to my old boss on saturday. so we'll see what i come up with.

jill played softball on sat. i went and watched....check out the pic.

other than that...i'll try and keep you on the up and up in the life of abby


A. Bauer said...

Baseball season....I'm lovin' it....

Janet said...

Haha, I totally love that picture :) I looked at them on your facebook, totally made my day!