Monday, April 16, 2007

Blaim the uncle

so lately i've found myself giving jill a new nickname. KID.

i never use to call anyone by it and i really wasn't a fan of people calling me by it either. then someone started calling me kid. good old uncle tim. i remember him telling me awhile ago how he calls his sister kid. and now i call mine kid. go figure. i didn't even realize that i was doing it at first. then jill said something. so i tried to figure out where i might have gotten it from... and i came up with uncle tim. thanks

anyways jill played softball in hopkins on friday...hit a tripple.... she get's it from

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I've noticed myself bottling up a lot of emotions i knew it would only be time before thing caught back up with me.

for the past few weeks i've been working on this wood project in my 3d design class. our teacher really didn't give us any guidelines just told us to make something. so i was getting really frusterated with this project to begin with. i had finally gotten an idea on what i was going to do...and go figure the teacher hated it, told me to go a totally different way with it. i basically went and threw my stuff on a table and got out of the room before i lost it. now normally things like this don't bother me at all...but i had to much built up.

another thing to know about me when things are really bothering me i go from ferusterated straight to pissed off then i come back to being mad and then i just drop it. right now i'm still kinda in the mad stage. and for those who really know me, they know i don't get mad to often...i normally have a big smile on my face. right now i just want to punch someone's face in. o well i'll wait till i get home and take it out on my punching bag.

thanks for reading and stay tuned in for abby's next blog, come soon

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Twins Opener Baby!

so i was very lucky this year. some of my brothers friends had asked me in november if i wanted to go the opener, but i knew i wouldn't have the money for the ticket so i said no. i was sad. then my best friend martha asked me if i wanted to go with her. her sister ( which is one of my brother's friends) had gotten 2 exstra tickets, one for martha and anyone who she wanted to bring. o and yesterday was her birthday....that's why the tickets were given to her. so martha asked me to go. to say the least i was very happy. i loved it. maybe even a little more than martha did.

highlights of the opener-
-me and adam running around trying to find where the creditcard sign up was so we could get our free blankets
-back to back homers
-getting to see people that i haven't seen since em's wedding
-sitting on top of the parking ramp waiting for trafic to pick up
-meeting the drunk boys and laughing at them
-not having my car towed