Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My mind needs to shut up!

over the past couple of days i've had a lot on my mind. and for some reason i just can't get it to shut up.
it's telling me about 3 different things at once when i only wan t to hear one thing at a time. most people can say hey...everyone has that happen to them. and yes i've had it happen to me before...i just don't like it. o well.

so ya i'm in badminton this year...lol...i know funny. let me tell ya...i should be a good time.

kick in the butt of the day goes to- my mind for not shutting up


ladybug said...

Good luck! Badminton is a lot of fun and you get to meet a lot of new friends! :-)

A. Bauer said...

Badminton....great sport....props on that one....