Friday, July 28, 2006

the boss man

ok so i know we've all had problems with our bosses somewhere on down the line. well let me tell ya, my boss is really starting to get to me. my boss is one of those guys where if you don't have to work that day he doesn't call you and tell you to stay that would be way to easy. instead he waits till you get to work and waisted your gas money and then tells you to go home. it's like student here. i don't have the time or the money to be pushed around like this. and it's not that he's done it once, o no, it's been like 5 times now this summer. grrrr.

cat update---still not dead

Kick in The Butt of The Day goes to---my boss


1 comment:

uncle tim said...

I just discovered your blog! It's so cute, all you young things blogging!