Monday, April 11, 2005

love the rain

i don't know how many people out there can say they love the rain. but i can......i love listening to it....i love playing softball in it......i love walking in it.......i love driving in it......I LOVE THE RAIN! i really don't know what it is about it.....maybe because it's something you don't get every's gives you change. change is a good thing most of the time. when i hear, see, smell the rain.......i get happy. and it's raining right now......and i'm smiling from ear to ear. most people sit and complain about the rain, i don't see's not like they can do anything about it. right now it's a good thing. the grass is getting a litttle greener. it's washing away that crapy winter we had. and giving us something new to look forward to. how can you hate the rain? i just don't get it.

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